[archi.drifter] Episode 01 - Interview with Mengxi

From architecture to robotics, carbon fiber, and aerospace - Interview with Mengxi He

How will architectural design be transformed by robotics and artificial intelligence? To find the answer, I quit my job as an architect in New York, and came to Germany to study how the emerging technologies can be integrated with architecture. Here at the University of Stuttgart, I discovered a community of pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of contemporary design and engineering practice. Welcome to Archi.Drifter, a podcast where I interview my colleagues and share our discussions with you, to provide a glimpse of how we drift away from architecture in order to imagine the future of it.

Today, the guest is Mengxi He, who’s also a former New Yorker with an architecture background. After finishing her study of the ITECH program at the University of Stuttgart, she recently started working as a robotic engineer at an aerospace engineering company in Luxembourg. I’m excited to learn more about her new journey.

Find Mengxi on:

Github - https://github.com/mengxihe

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/mengxi-he


[archi.drifter] Episode 02 - Interview with Aaron